* Package: net-print/foo2zjs-99999999 * Repository: gentoo * Maintainer: printing@gentoo.org * USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux multilib policykit userland_GNU * FEATURES: ccache preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox >>> Unpacking source... * Fetching foo2zjs tarball --2014-03-06 13:22:27-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1705697 (1,6M) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘foo2zjs.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 0% [ ] 15 743 72,0KB/s 2% [ ] 39 091 89,2KB/s 3% [> ] 65 383 99,5KB/s 6% [=> ] 106 263 121KB/s 8% [==> ] 152 983 140KB/s 13% [====> ] 230 351 175KB/s 18% [======> ] 319 411 208KB/s 26% [=========> ] 444 971 253KB/s 32% [===========> ] 555 943 281KB/s 34% [============> ] 586 591 267KB/s 36% [=============> ] 618 711 216KB/s 44% [================> ] 766 183 248KB/s eta 4s 45% [================> ] 770 563 233KB/s eta 4s 45% [================> ] 774 931 220KB/s eta 4s 45% [================> ] 783 691 209KB/s eta 4s 46% [=================> ] 793 923 200KB/s eta 4s 47% [=================> ] 811 443 194KB/s eta 4s 49% [==================> ] 842 103 191KB/s eta 4s 51% [===================> ] 877 131 190KB/s eta 4s 54% [====================> ] 929 691 192KB/s eta 4s 57% [=====================> ] 988 103 201KB/s eta 4s 59% [======================> ] 1 010 003 200KB/s eta 4s 59% [======================> ] 1 011 451 179KB/s eta 4s 59% [======================> ] 1 012 923 152KB/s eta 5s 60% [======================> ] 1 024 591 137KB/s eta 5s 64% [=======================> ] 1 093 223 135KB/s eta 5s 64% [========================> ] 1 097 603 122KB/s eta 5s 64% [========================> ] 1 107 823 104KB/s eta 4s 65% [========================> ] 1 118 043 88,2KB/s eta 4s 66% [========================> ] 1 134 091 85,9KB/s eta 4s 67% [=========================> ] 1 157 451 91,0KB/s eta 4s 69% [==========================> ] 1 183 743 70,5KB/s eta 4s 71% [==========================> ] 1 221 703 76,2KB/s eta 4s 73% [===========================> ] 1 250 891 80,4KB/s eta 4s 75% [============================> ] 1 288 863 85,3KB/s eta 4s 77% [=============================> ] 1 326 811 90,0KB/s eta 4s 79% [==============================> ] 1 357 471 92,2KB/s eta 4s 81% [==============================> ] 1 391 051 92,7KB/s eta 2s 83% [===============================> ] 1 423 171 92,2KB/s eta 2s 85% [================================> ] 1 458 223 89,3KB/s eta 2s 87% [=================================> ] 1 499 091 86,3KB/s eta 2s 89% [=================================> ] 1 529 763 87,8KB/s eta 2s 92% [==================================> ] 1 572 091 102KB/s eta 1s 94% [===================================> ] 1 614 431 130KB/s eta 1s 97% [====================================> ] 1 656 771 144KB/s eta 1s 99% [=====================================> ] 1 700 571 138KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 1 705 697 140KB/s in 12s 2014-03-06 13:22:40 (141 KB/s) - ‘foo2zjs.tar.gz’ saved [1705697/1705697] * Applying foo2zjs-udev.patch ... [ ok ] * Applying foo2zjs-usbbackend.patch ... [ ok ] * Fetching additional files (firmware, etc) make -j3 getweb [ ! -f getweb ] || chmod +w getweb sed < getweb.in > getweb \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f getweb && exit 1) chmod 555 getweb --2014-03-06 13:22:40-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihp1000.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 50416 (49K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihp1000.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 31% [===========> ] 15 735 71,8KB/s 80% [==============================> ] 40 567 92,6KB/s 100%[======================================>] 50 416 115KB/s in 0,4s 2014-03-06 13:22:41 (115 KB/s) - ‘sihp1000.tar.gz’ saved [50416/50416] sihp1000.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2001 --2014-03-06 13:22:41-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihp1005.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 52297 (51K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihp1005.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 41% [===============> ] 21 575 98,4KB/s 100%[======================================>] 52 297 236KB/s in 0,2s 2014-03-06 13:22:41 (236 KB/s) - ‘sihp1005.tar.gz’ saved [52297/52297] sihp1005.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2002 --2014-03-06 13:22:41-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihpP1005.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 153804 (150K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihpP1005.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 21% [=======> ] 33 253 152KB/s 43% [===============> ] 66 845 153KB/s 56% [=====================> ] 87 285 99,6KB/s 57% [=====================> ] 88 745 81,0KB/s 58% [=====================> ] 90 205 68,6KB/s 59% [======================> ] 91 653 59,8KB/s 85% [================================> ] 131 073 74,7KB/s 90% [==================================> ] 139 845 70,9KB/s 96% [====================================> ] 148 605 67,8KB/s 100%[======================================>] 153 804 70,2KB/s in 2,1s 2014-03-06 13:22:43 (70,2 KB/s) - ‘sihpP1005.tar.gz’ saved [153804/153804] sihpP1005.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2009 --2014-03-06 13:22:43-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihp1018.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70544 (69K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihp1018.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 22% [=======> ] 15 746 72,0KB/s 36% [=============> ] 25 954 59,3KB/s 57% [=====================> ] 40 554 61,7KB/s 80% [==============================> ] 56 614 64,6KB/s 100%[======================================>] 70 544 64,4KB/s 100%[======================================>] 70 544 64,4KB/s in 1,1s 2014-03-06 13:22:45 (64,4 KB/s) - ‘sihp1018.tar.gz’ saved [70544/70544] sihp1018.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2005 --2014-03-06 13:22:45-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihp1020.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70139 (68K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihp1020.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 24% [========> ] 17 194 79,5KB/s 49% [==================> ] 34 726 79,7KB/s 74% [============================> ] 52 246 79,8KB/s 95% [====================================> ] 66 834 76,4KB/s 100%[======================================>] 70 139 80,2KB/s in 0,9s 2014-03-06 13:22:46 (80,2 KB/s) - ‘sihp1020.tar.gz’ saved [70139/70139] sihp1020.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2005 --2014-03-06 13:22:46-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihpP1005.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 153804 (150K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihpP1005.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 12% [===> ] 18 653 85,1KB/s 23% [========> ] 36 185 82,6KB/s 32% [===========> ] 49 313 75,0KB/s 44% [================> ] 68 305 77,9KB/s 56% [=====================> ] 87 285 79,6KB/s 70% [==========================> ] 107 725 81,8KB/s 83% [===============================> ] 128 153 83,4KB/s 94% [===================================> ] 145 685 83,0KB/s 100%[======================================>] 153 804 87,6KB/s in 1,7s 2014-03-06 13:22:48 (87,6 KB/s) - ‘sihpP1005.tar.gz’ saved [153804/153804] sihpP1005.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2009 --2014-03-06 13:22:48-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihpP1006.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 153940 (150K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihpP1006.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 15% [=====> ] 24 505 112KB/s 29% [==========> ] 44 933 102KB/s 44% [================> ] 68 305 104KB/s 59% [======================> ] 91 653 104KB/s 74% [============================> ] 115 013 105KB/s 87% [=================================> ] 135 453 103KB/s 100%[======================================>] 153 940 117KB/s in 1,3s 2014-03-06 13:22:50 (117 KB/s) - ‘sihpP1006.tar.gz’ saved [153940/153940] sihpP1006.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2009 --2014-03-06 13:22:50-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/firmware/sihpP1505.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 166199 (162K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘sihpP1505.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 15% [=====> ] 25 965 119KB/s 30% [==========> ] 50 773 116KB/s 41% [===============> ] 69 753 106KB/s 57% [=====================> ] 96 045 110KB/s 71% [===========================> ] 119 405 109KB/s 83% [===============================> ] 138 385 105KB/s 100%[======================================>] 166 199 108KB/s 100%[======================================>] 166 199 108KB/s in 1,5s 2014-03-06 13:22:51 (108 KB/s) - ‘sihpP1505.tar.gz’ saved [166199/166199] sihpP1505.img (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2009 --2014-03-06 13:22:51-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/icm/dl2300.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1205154 (1,1M) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘dl2300.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 2% [ ] 28 871 133KB/s 4% [> ] 56 611 130KB/s 6% [=> ] 77 063 118KB/s 8% [==> ] 100 423 115KB/s 10% [===> ] 128 151 117KB/s 11% [===> ] 135 463 103KB/s 11% [===> ] 136 911 89,2KB/s 13% [====> ] 167 571 95,5KB/s 14% [====> ] 171 963 87,2KB/s 14% [====> ] 180 711 82,4KB/s 16% [=====> ] 193 863 80,3KB/s 17% [=====> ] 208 463 79,2KB/s 18% [======> ] 227 443 79,7KB/s 20% [======> ] 244 963 79,7KB/s 21% [=======> ] 262 471 79,8KB/s eta 12s 23% [========> ] 282 923 80,6KB/s eta 12s 25% [========> ] 301 903 80,9KB/s eta 12s 26% [=========> ] 323 803 82,0KB/s eta 12s 28% [==========> ] 342 771 82,2KB/s eta 12s 30% [==========> ] 366 143 82,0KB/s eta 10s 32% [===========> ] 388 031 80,4KB/s eta 10s 34% [============> ] 411 403 79,4KB/s eta 10s 36% [=============> ] 436 223 80,4KB/s eta 10s 38% [=============> ] 459 571 80,4KB/s eta 10s 40% [==============> ] 482 931 79,4KB/s eta 8s 42% [===============> ] 507 763 83,3KB/s eta 8s 44% [================> ] 534 031 88,9KB/s eta 8s 46% [=================> ] 558 863 87,6KB/s eta 8s 48% [=================> ] 579 291 91,2KB/s eta 8s 49% [==================> ] 598 271 93,5KB/s eta 7s 51% [===================> ] 626 011 96,8KB/s eta 7s 54% [====================> ] 650 831 99,0KB/s eta 7s 56% [====================> ] 678 583 101KB/s eta 7s 58% [=====================> ] 701 931 102KB/s eta 7s 59% [======================> ] 722 383 103KB/s eta 5s 62% [=======================> ] 748 651 104KB/s eta 5s 64% [========================> ] 779 323 107KB/s eta 5s 66% [========================> ] 802 671 107KB/s eta 5s 68% [=========================> ] 826 043 108KB/s eta 5s 71% [==========================> ] 856 691 112KB/s eta 4s 73% [===========================> ] 880 063 112KB/s eta 4s 75% [============================> ] 904 871 112KB/s eta 4s 77% [=============================> ] 936 991 114KB/s eta 4s 79% [==============================> ] 961 811 115KB/s eta 4s 82% [===============================> ] 995 403 117KB/s eta 2s 85% [================================> ] 1 026 063 118KB/s eta 2s 87% [=================================> ] 1 056 723 119KB/s eta 2s 89% [==================================> ] 1 082 991 120KB/s eta 2s 92% [===================================> ] 1 118 031 123KB/s eta 2s 95% [====================================> ] 1 151 611 126KB/s eta 1s 98% [=====================================> ] 1 183 743 127KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 1 205 154 130KB/s in 11s 2014-03-06 13:23:03 (106 KB/s) - ‘dl2300.tar.gz’ saved [1205154/1205154] CPWL12W.icm CPWL24W.icm CPWL6W.icm DL2200RGB.icm DL2312.icm DL2324.icm (c) Copyright Minolta-QMS 1999 --2014-03-06 13:23:03-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/icm/dl2300.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1205154 (1,1M) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘dl2300.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 3% [> ] 37 643 172KB/s 5% [=> ] 71 211 162KB/s 9% [==> ] 109 183 166KB/s 11% [===> ] 139 831 159KB/s 14% [====> ] 177 791 162KB/s 17% [=====> ] 215 763 164KB/s 21% [=======> ] 255 171 166KB/s 24% [========> ] 294 603 165KB/s 27% [=========> ] 334 023 166KB/s 30% [==========> ] 367 591 165KB/s 33% [============> ] 402 643 164KB/s 36% [=============> ] 439 143 165KB/s 39% [==============> ] 481 483 166KB/s 42% [===============> ] 513 591 165KB/s eta 4s 45% [================> ] 546 899 164KB/s eta 4s 48% [=================> ] 586 591 165KB/s eta 4s 52% [===================> ] 628 931 167KB/s eta 4s 54% [====================> ] 659 603 165KB/s eta 4s 58% [=====================> ] 703 391 167KB/s eta 3s 61% [=======================> ] 747 191 169KB/s eta 3s 65% [========================> ] 790 991 170KB/s eta 3s 69% [==========================> ] 834 791 172KB/s eta 3s 71% [===========================> ] 865 451 171KB/s eta 3s 74% [============================> ] 899 031 171KB/s eta 2s 77% [=============================> ] 934 071 171KB/s eta 2s 81% [==============================> ] 979 343 172KB/s eta 2s 84% [================================> ] 1 023 143 173KB/s eta 2s 88% [=================================> ] 1 062 551 175KB/s eta 2s 92% [==================================> ] 1 109 271 176KB/s eta 1s 96% [====================================> ] 1 157 451 180KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 1 205 154 183KB/s eta 0s 100%[======================================>] 1 205 154 183KB/s in 6,7s 2014-03-06 13:23:10 (176 KB/s) - ‘dl2300.tar.gz’ saved [1205154/1205154] CPWL12W.icm CPWL24W.icm CPWL6W.icm DL2200RGB.icm DL2312.icm DL2324.icm --2014-03-06 13:23:10-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/icm/km2430.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 929112 (907K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘km2430.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 5% [=> ] 49 313 225KB/s 9% [==> ] 87 273 198KB/s 14% [====> ] 132 545 202KB/s 19% [======> ] 177 793 203KB/s 24% [========> ] 227 433 207KB/s 29% [==========> ] 277 085 210KB/s 34% [============> ] 316 505 206KB/s 38% [==============> ] 358 845 204KB/s 44% [================> ] 409 945 208KB/s 49% [==================> ] 459 573 209KB/s 54% [====================> ] 503 385 209KB/s 59% [======================> ] 555 933 211KB/s 65% [========================> ] 609 965 214KB/s 70% [==========================> ] 653 753 213KB/s eta 1s 76% [============================> ] 706 313 214KB/s eta 1s 81% [==============================> ] 761 793 217KB/s eta 1s 87% [=================================> ] 814 365 218KB/s eta 1s 93% [===================================> ] 869 845 218KB/s eta 1s 99% [=====================================> ] 926 785 218KB/s eta 0s 100%[======================================>] 929 112 219KB/s in 4,1s 2014-03-06 13:23:14 (219 KB/s) - ‘km2430.tar.gz’ saved [929112/929112] km2430_0.icm km2430_1.icm km2430_2.icm (c) Copyright Minolta-QMS 2001 --2014-03-06 13:23:14-- http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/icm/hpclj2500.tar.gz Resolving foo2hp.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hp.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 52571 (51K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘hpclj2500.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 29% [==========> ] 15 735 71,8KB/s 49% [==================> ] 25 967 59,3KB/s 71% [==========================> ] 37 635 57,3KB/s 93% [===================================> ] 49 315 56,3KB/s 100%[======================================>] 52 571 60,0KB/s in 0,9s 2014-03-06 13:23:15 (60,0 KB/s) - ‘hpclj2500.tar.gz’ saved [52571/52571] hpclj2500rgb.icm (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2002 --2014-03-06 13:23:15-- http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/icm/hpclj2600n.tar.gz Resolving foo2hp.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hp.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 573660 (560K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘hpclj2600n.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 2% [> ] 17 205 78,5KB/s 5% [=> ] 33 253 75,6KB/s 8% [==> ] 49 325 75,0KB/s 10% [===> ] 62 465 71,2KB/s 13% [====> ] 78 525 71,6KB/s 16% [=====> ] 93 113 70,8KB/s 19% [======> ] 110 645 72,1KB/s 22% [=======> ] 129 613 73,8KB/s 25% [=========> ] 147 133 74,5KB/s 28% [==========> ] 166 125 75,7KB/s 32% [===========> ] 186 553 77,3KB/s 35% [============> ] 205 545 78,1KB/s 39% [==============> ] 227 445 79,8KB/s 43% [===============> ] 249 345 81,2KB/s 46% [=================> ] 268 325 81,5KB/s eta 4s 50% [==================> ] 291 673 83,1KB/s eta 4s 54% [====================> ] 310 665 83,4KB/s eta 4s 58% [=====================> ] 335 485 85,0KB/s eta 4s 61% [======================> ] 350 073 84,0KB/s eta 4s 65% [========================> ] 373 433 85,1KB/s eta 2s 67% [=========================> ] 386 573 83,4KB/s eta 2s 70% [==========================> ] 405 541 84,1KB/s eta 2s 72% [===========================> ] 418 705 83,4KB/s eta 2s 74% [============================> ] 427 453 82,5KB/s eta 2s 77% [=============================> ] 442 065 82,1KB/s eta 2s 79% [=============================> ] 453 745 81,5KB/s eta 2s 81% [==============================> ] 469 793 81,1KB/s eta 2s 84% [================================> ] 485 853 80,5KB/s eta 2s 87% [=================================> ] 501 925 80,2KB/s eta 2s 89% [==================================> ] 515 053 78,8KB/s eta 1s 92% [===================================> ] 532 573 78,2KB/s eta 1s 95% [====================================> ] 550 093 77,8KB/s eta 1s 98% [=====================================> ] 567 613 77,1KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 573 660 78,4KB/s in 7,1s 2014-03-06 13:23:23 (78,8 KB/s) - ‘hpclj2600n.tar.gz’ saved [573660/573660] hpclj2600n-0.icm hpclj2600n-1.icm (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2003 (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2006. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:23:23-- http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/icm/hpclj2600n.tar.gz Resolving foo2hp.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hp.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 573660 (560K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘hpclj2600n.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 3% [> ] 20 125 91,8KB/s 6% [=> ] 39 105 89,2KB/s 10% [==> ] 58 085 88,3KB/s 13% [====> ] 75 605 86,1KB/s 15% [=====> ] 88 745 80,9KB/s 19% [======> ] 109 173 82,9KB/s 22% [=======> ] 129 613 82,4KB/s 26% [=========> ] 150 053 83,9KB/s 28% [==========> ] 164 665 72,5KB/s 28% [==========> ] 166 125 66,7KB/s 29% [==========> ] 167 573 61,9KB/s 32% [===========> ] 188 013 64,2KB/s 34% [============> ] 198 221 63,0KB/s eta 6s 36% [=============> ] 206 993 61,5KB/s eta 6s 38% [==============> ] 223 065 62,2KB/s eta 6s 41% [===============> ] 239 113 62,8KB/s eta 6s 42% [===============> ] 242 033 60,1KB/s eta 6s 42% [===============> ] 246 425 52,7KB/s eta 6s 42% [===============> ] 246 425 43,6KB/s eta 6s 45% [================> ] 261 025 43,6KB/s eta 7s 46% [================> ] 263 945 40,7KB/s eta 7s 47% [=================> ] 269 785 38,5KB/s eta 7s 48% [==================> ] 280 005 37,0KB/s eta 7s 50% [==================> ] 290 225 35,8KB/s eta 7s 53% [===================> ] 304 825 36,1KB/s eta 6s 55% [====================> ] 319 413 35,1KB/s eta 6s 58% [=====================> ] 335 473 34,6KB/s eta 6s 61% [======================> ] 351 545 33,8KB/s eta 6s 64% [========================> ] 369 053 35,9KB/s eta 6s 66% [=========================> ] 383 653 38,2KB/s eta 4s 69% [==========================> ] 401 173 41,0KB/s eta 4s 72% [===========================> ] 414 325 39,7KB/s eta 4s 75% [============================> ] 431 833 41,0KB/s eta 4s 78% [=============================> ] 450 813 42,8KB/s eta 4s 81% [==============================> ] 469 793 43,3KB/s eta 2s 85% [================================> ] 488 773 43,8KB/s eta 2s 88% [=================================> ] 509 225 46,9KB/s eta 2s 91% [==================================> ] 526 745 53,3KB/s eta 2s 95% [====================================> ] 548 645 68,5KB/s eta 2s 98% [=====================================> ] 566 165 69,5KB/s eta 0s 100%[======================================>] 573 660 71,2KB/s in 10s 2014-03-06 13:23:33 (55,3 KB/s) - ‘hpclj2600n.tar.gz’ saved [573660/573660] hpclj2600n-0.icm hpclj2600n-1.icm --2014-03-06 13:23:33-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/icm/km2430.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 929112 (907K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘km2430.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 1% [ ] 15 745 71,8KB/s 3% [> ] 30 345 69,2KB/s 6% [=> ] 59 545 90,5KB/s 10% [===> ] 100 413 114KB/s 15% [====> ] 142 765 130KB/s 19% [======> ] 185 105 140KB/s 24% [========> ] 228 905 149KB/s 28% [==========> ] 263 945 150KB/s 32% [===========> ] 306 273 155KB/s 37% [=============> ] 351 533 160KB/s 42% [===============> ] 396 793 164KB/s 46% [=================> ] 431 845 164KB/s 51% [==================> ] 475 645 166KB/s 54% [====================> ] 510 685 166KB/s eta 2s 59% [======================> ] 548 633 166KB/s eta 2s 63% [=======================> ] 589 525 168KB/s eta 2s 67% [=========================> ] 626 013 168KB/s eta 2s 72% [===========================> ] 674 205 170KB/s eta 2s 77% [=============================> ] 717 993 172KB/s eta 1s 82% [===============================> ] 766 185 174KB/s eta 1s 87% [=================================> ] 815 825 182KB/s eta 1s 93% [===================================> ] 865 465 187KB/s eta 1s 97% [=====================================> ] 907 805 190KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 929 112 193KB/s in 5,0s 2014-03-06 13:23:39 (180 KB/s) - ‘km2430.tar.gz’ saved [929112/929112] km2430_2.icm (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard 2003 (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2006. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:23:39-- http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/icm/hp1215.tar.gz Resolving foo2hp.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hp.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 112237 (110K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘hp1215.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 14% [====> ] 15 745 72,0KB/s 27% [=========> ] 30 345 69,3KB/s 41% [===============> ] 46 405 70,6KB/s 56% [=====================> ] 63 925 72,9KB/s 72% [===========================> ] 81 433 74,3KB/s 85% [================================> ] 96 045 73,1KB/s 98% [=====================================> ] 110 645 72,1KB/s 100%[======================================>] 112 237 73,2KB/s in 1,5s 2014-03-06 13:23:41 (73,2 KB/s) - ‘hp1215.tar.gz’ saved [112237/112237] hp1215-argyll-0.icm (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2008. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:23:41-- http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/icm/hp-cp1025.tar.gz Resolving foo2zjs.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2zjs.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 122026 (119K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘hp-cp1025.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 14% [====> ] 17 205 78,2KB/s 29% [==========> ] 36 173 82,4KB/s 53% [===================> ] 65 385 99,4KB/s 85% [================================> ] 104 805 119KB/s 100%[======================================>] 122 026 139KB/s in 0,9s 2014-03-06 13:23:42 (139 KB/s) - ‘hp-cp1025.tar.gz’ saved [122026/122026] hp-cp1025-rgb-392-bpp1.icm (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2010. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:23:42-- http://foo2lava.rkkda.com/icm/km2530.tar.gz Resolving foo2lava.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2lava.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2046286 (2,0M) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘km2530.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 0% [ ] 15 731 71,5KB/s 1% [ ] 28 883 65,8KB/s 2% [ ] 46 403 70,5KB/s 2% [> ] 59 543 67,8KB/s 3% [> ] 78 523 71,5KB/s 4% [> ] 88 731 67,4KB/s 5% [> ] 103 331 67,3KB/s 5% [=> ] 122 311 69,7KB/s 6% [=> ] 135 451 68,6KB/s 7% [=> ] 154 443 70,4KB/s 8% [==> ] 171 963 71,3KB/s 9% [==> ] 192 391 73,1KB/s 10% [===> ] 212 831 74,6KB/s 11% [===> ] 233 271 76,0KB/s 12% [===> ] 249 343 75,8KB/s eta 23s 13% [====> ] 268 311 76,5KB/s eta 23s 14% [====> ] 290 223 77,8KB/s eta 23s 15% [====> ] 313 571 79,4KB/s eta 23s 16% [=====> ] 331 091 79,4KB/s eta 23s 17% [=====> ] 354 463 80,8KB/s eta 20s 18% [======> ] 379 271 82,9KB/s eta 20s 19% [======> ] 404 103 85,5KB/s eta 20s 20% [=======> ] 423 071 85,9KB/s eta 20s 21% [=======> ] 444 971 87,8KB/s eta 20s 23% [=======> ] 471 251 89,5KB/s eta 18s 24% [========> ] 496 083 92,8KB/s eta 18s 25% [========> ] 517 983 94,5KB/s eta 18s 26% [=========> ] 545 723 96,5KB/s eta 18s 28% [=========> ] 573 451 99,8KB/s eta 18s 29% [==========> ] 598 271 101KB/s eta 16s 30% [==========> ] 626 023 103KB/s eta 16s 32% [===========> ] 655 211 105KB/s eta 16s 33% [============> ] 684 423 107KB/s eta 16s 34% [============> ] 713 623 109KB/s eta 16s 36% [=============> ] 742 823 112KB/s eta 13s 37% [=============> ] 773 483 114KB/s eta 13s 39% [==============> ] 798 291 115KB/s eta 13s 40% [==============> ] 828 951 117KB/s eta 13s 42% [===============> ] 861 071 120KB/s eta 13s 43% [===============> ] 888 811 121KB/s eta 11s 45% [================> ] 922 403 123KB/s eta 11s 46% [=================> ] 953 063 124KB/s eta 11s 48% [=================> ] 986 631 126KB/s eta 11s 49% [==================> ] 1 014 383 128KB/s eta 11s 51% [===================> ] 1 049 423 130KB/s eta 9s 52% [===================> ] 1 084 451 131KB/s eta 9s 54% [====================> ] 1 119 491 134KB/s eta 9s 56% [=====================> ] 1 155 991 135KB/s eta 9s 58% [=====================> ] 1 192 503 136KB/s eta 9s 60% [======================> ] 1 228 991 139KB/s eta 7s 61% [=======================> ] 1 264 043 140KB/s eta 7s 63% [=======================> ] 1 302 003 143KB/s eta 7s 65% [========================> ] 1 339 963 145KB/s eta 7s 66% [=========================> ] 1 367 691 145KB/s eta 7s 67% [=========================> ] 1 376 451 128KB/s eta 6s 68% [=========================> ] 1 410 043 129KB/s eta 6s 69% [=========================> ] 1 414 423 125KB/s eta 6s 69% [==========================> ] 1 418 803 119KB/s eta 6s 69% [==========================> ] 1 426 103 114KB/s eta 6s 70% [==========================> ] 1 442 151 112KB/s eta 6s 71% [==========================> ] 1 461 131 109KB/s eta 6s 72% [===========================> ] 1 477 203 106KB/s eta 6s 73% [===========================> ] 1 497 631 104KB/s eta 6s 74% [===========================> ] 1 516 611 102KB/s eta 6s 75% [============================> ] 1 537 063 99,3KB/s eta 5s 76% [============================> ] 1 558 951 97,3KB/s eta 5s 77% [=============================> ] 1 579 391 94,5KB/s eta 5s 78% [=============================> ] 1 599 831 91,8KB/s eta 5s 79% [=============================> ] 1 621 731 89,0KB/s eta 5s 80% [==============================> ] 1 643 631 85,9KB/s eta 4s 81% [==============================> ] 1 664 083 82,9KB/s eta 4s 82% [===============================> ] 1 681 603 78,7KB/s eta 4s 83% [===============================> ] 1 706 423 75,9KB/s eta 4s 84% [===============================> ] 1 731 231 75,4KB/s eta 4s 85% [================================> ] 1 756 063 86,5KB/s eta 3s 86% [================================> ] 1 773 571 82,8KB/s eta 3s 87% [=================================> ] 1 799 851 87,8KB/s eta 3s 89% [=================================> ] 1 826 131 92,8KB/s eta 3s 90% [==================================> ] 1 852 411 97,1KB/s eta 3s 91% [==================================> ] 1 875 783 98,8KB/s eta 2s 92% [===================================> ] 1 896 211 99,1KB/s eta 2s 93% [===================================> ] 1 918 123 100KB/s eta 2s 95% [====================================> ] 1 945 863 102KB/s eta 2s 96% [====================================> ] 1 972 131 104KB/s eta 2s 97% [=====================================> ] 1 996 963 105KB/s eta 0s 99% [=====================================> ] 2 026 151 106KB/s eta 0s 100%[======================================>] 2 046 286 109KB/s in 19s 2014-03-06 13:24:02 (105 KB/s) - ‘km2530.tar.gz’ saved [2046286/2046286] km2530-jconner-d50.icm km2530_0.icm km2530_1.icm km2530_2.icm (c) Copyright Konica Minolta 2005 (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2007. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:24:02-- http://foo2lava.rkkda.com/icm/km-1600.tar.gz Resolving foo2lava.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2lava.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 121230 (118K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘km-1600.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 26% [=========> ] 31 793 145KB/s 47% [=================> ] 58 085 132KB/s 73% [===========================> ] 88 733 135KB/s 96% [====================================> ] 116 473 133KB/s 100%[======================================>] 121 230 138KB/s in 0,9s 2014-03-06 13:24:03 (138 KB/s) - ‘km-1600.tar.gz’ saved [121230/121230] km-1600-rgb-392-bpp1.icm (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2009. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:24:03-- http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com/icm/samclp300.tar.gz Resolving foo2qpdl.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2qpdl.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 427584 (418K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘samclp300.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 5% [=> ] 22 477 101KB/s 9% [==> ] 42 025 95,9KB/s 16% [=====> ] 71 213 108KB/s 24% [========> ] 106 253 121KB/s 34% [============> ] 148 593 135KB/s 43% [================> ] 188 013 143KB/s 53% [===================> ] 228 893 149KB/s 61% [=======================> ] 263 921 150KB/s 70% [==========================> ] 303 365 154KB/s 80% [==============================> ] 344 233 157KB/s 89% [=================================> ] 382 205 158KB/s 99% [=====================================> ] 425 993 162KB/s 100%[======================================>] 427 584 162KB/s in 2,6s 2014-03-06 13:24:06 (162 KB/s) - ‘samclp300.tar.gz’ saved [427584/427584] samclp300-0.icm (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2007. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:24:06-- http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com/icm/samclp315.tar.gz Resolving foo2qpdl.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2qpdl.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 99680 (97K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘samclp315.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 46% [=================> ] 46 406 211KB/s 91% [==================================> ] 91 666 208KB/s 100%[======================================>] 99 680 226KB/s in 0,4s 2014-03-06 13:24:07 (226 KB/s) - ‘samclp315.tar.gz’ saved [99680/99680] samclp315-argyll-0.icm (c) Copyright Rick Richardson 2008. All Rights Reserved --2014-03-06 13:24:07-- http://foo2slx.rkkda.com/icm/lexc500.tar.gz Resolving foo2slx.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2slx.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 239577 (234K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘lexc500.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 6% [=> ] 15 733 72,1KB/s 15% [====> ] 36 173 82,7KB/s 27% [=========> ] 65 385 99,6KB/s 41% [===============> ] 98 953 113KB/s 58% [======================> ] 141 293 129KB/s 74% [===========================> ] 177 805 135KB/s 88% [=================================> ] 211 385 138KB/s 100%[======================================>] 239 577 156KB/s in 1,5s 2014-03-06 13:24:09 (156 KB/s) - ‘lexc500.tar.gz’ saved [239577/239577] lexRPCA2000.icm (c) Copyright Lexmark 2006 --2014-03-06 13:24:09-- http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com/icm/okic301.tar.gz Resolving foo2hiperc.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hiperc.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 674658 (659K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘okic301.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 2% [ ] 15 733 72,0KB/s 4% [> ] 33 265 76,0KB/s 9% [==> ] 61 005 92,9KB/s 13% [====> ] 90 193 103KB/s 19% [======> ] 132 545 121KB/s 23% [========> ] 160 273 122KB/s 29% [==========> ] 198 233 129KB/s 35% [============> ] 240 573 137KB/s 41% [===============> ] 277 085 140KB/s 46% [=================> ] 315 045 144KB/s 53% [===================> ] 358 833 149KB/s 59% [======================> ] 402 633 153KB/s 65% [========================> ] 440 605 155KB/s 71% [==========================> ] 480 013 156KB/s 77% [=============================> ] 525 273 160KB/s eta 1s 84% [===============================> ] 570 533 162KB/s eta 1s 90% [==================================> ] 612 885 164KB/s eta 1s 95% [====================================> ] 646 453 164KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 674 658 171KB/s in 3,9s 2014-03-06 13:24:13 (171 KB/s) - ‘okic301.tar.gz’ saved [674658/674658] OKC301H1.icm OKC301H2.icm OKC301H3.icm (c) Copyright Okidata 2012 --2014-03-06 13:24:13-- http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com/icm/okic310.tar.gz Resolving foo2hiperc.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hiperc.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 674661 (659K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘okic310.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 7% [=> ] 47 853 219KB/s 13% [====> ] 93 125 213KB/s 19% [======> ] 132 545 202KB/s 26% [=========> ] 180 725 206KB/s 33% [============> ] 228 905 209KB/s 41% [===============> ] 278 545 212KB/s 46% [================> ] 310 653 202KB/s 51% [===================> ] 347 165 198KB/s 58% [=====================> ] 396 805 201KB/s 64% [========================> ] 436 225 199KB/s 72% [===========================> ] 487 325 202KB/s 79% [=============================> ] 534 033 203KB/s 85% [================================> ] 576 385 202KB/s 93% [===================================> ] 627 473 204KB/s eta 0s 99% [=====================================> ] 669 825 203KB/s eta 0s 100%[======================================>] 674 661 205KB/s in 3,2s 2014-03-06 13:24:17 (205 KB/s) - ‘okic310.tar.gz’ saved [674661/674661] OKC310H1.icm OKC310H2.icm OKC310H3.icm (c) Copyright Okidata 2010 --2014-03-06 13:24:17-- http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com/icm/okic810.tar.gz Resolving foo2hiperc.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hiperc.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 674963 (659K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘okic810.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 7% [==> ] 53 693 245KB/s 13% [====> ] 88 745 135KB/s 13% [====> ] 90 193 103KB/s 22% [=======> ] 148 605 136KB/s 23% [========> ] 158 813 120KB/s 25% [========> ] 170 493 111KB/s 28% [==========> ] 193 853 110KB/s 33% [============> ] 225 961 114KB/s 37% [=============> ] 255 173 116KB/s 43% [================> ] 294 605 122KB/s 48% [==================> ] 329 645 125KB/s 54% [====================> ] 364 673 128KB/s 58% [=====================> ] 393 885 128KB/s 64% [========================> ] 433 305 132KB/s eta 2s 70% [==========================> ] 472 725 135KB/s eta 2s 74% [===========================> ] 500 465 134KB/s eta 2s 80% [==============================> ] 541 345 137KB/s eta 2s 86% [================================> ] 580 753 139KB/s eta 2s 92% [===================================> ] 623 105 142KB/s eta 0s 98% [=====================================> ] 665 445 144KB/s eta 0s 100%[======================================>] 674 963 146KB/s in 4,5s 2014-03-06 13:24:21 (146 KB/s) - ‘okic810.tar.gz’ saved [674963/674963] OKC810H1.icm OKC810H2.icm OKC810H3.icm (c) Copyright Okidata 2008 --2014-03-06 13:24:21-- http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com/icm/okic3200.tar.gz Resolving foo2hiperc.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hiperc.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 527532 (515K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘okic3200.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 8% [==> ] 43 473 198KB/s 14% [====> ] 78 525 179KB/s 23% [========> ] 122 325 186KB/s 30% [===========> ] 163 193 186KB/s 39% [==============> ] 207 005 189KB/s 45% [================> ] 240 585 157KB/s 45% [================> ] 242 033 138KB/s 51% [==================> ] 269 773 137KB/s 51% [===================> ] 274 153 125KB/s 53% [===================> ] 282 913 117KB/s 58% [=====================> ] 306 273 116KB/s 61% [=======================> ] 326 713 115KB/s 67% [=========================> ] 355 925 116KB/s 72% [===========================> ] 380 733 116KB/s eta 1s 77% [=============================> ] 409 945 117KB/s eta 1s 84% [===============================> ] 444 973 119KB/s eta 1s 89% [=================================> ] 471 265 119KB/s eta 1s 96% [====================================> ] 507 753 122KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 527 532 127KB/s in 4,1s 2014-03-06 13:24:26 (127 KB/s) - ‘okic3200.tar.gz’ saved [527532/527532] OK3200L1.icm OK3200L2.icm (c) Copyright Okidata 2005 --2014-03-06 13:24:26-- http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com/icm/okic3400.tar.gz Resolving foo2hiperc.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hiperc.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 453326 (443K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘okic3400.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 8% [==> ] 37 633 172KB/s 15% [====> ] 68 305 156KB/s 22% [=======> ] 101 873 155KB/s 28% [==========> ] 131 073 149KB/s 37% [=============> ] 169 033 154KB/s 45% [================> ] 206 993 157KB/s 53% [===================> ] 240 585 157KB/s 59% [======================> ] 269 773 154KB/s 68% [=========================> ] 309 193 157KB/s 77% [=============================> ] 350 073 160KB/s 84% [================================> ] 383 665 159KB/s 93% [===================================> ] 423 085 161KB/s 100%[======================================>] 453 326 167KB/s in 2,6s 2014-03-06 13:24:29 (167 KB/s) - ‘okic3400.tar.gz’ saved [453326/453326] C3400-L1-BIN-ICC_0603150.icm C3400-L2-BIN-ICC_0604110.icm (c) Copyright Okidata 2006 --2014-03-06 13:24:29-- http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com/icm/okic5600.tar.gz Resolving foo2hiperc.rkkda.com... Connecting to foo2hiperc.rkkda.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 674998 (659K) [application/x-tar] Saving to: ‘okic5600.tar.gz’ 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 6% [=> ] 42 013 192KB/s 12% [===> ] 81 445 186KB/s 18% [======> ] 123 773 188KB/s 23% [========> ] 158 813 181KB/s 28% [==========> ] 190 933 174KB/s 34% [============> ] 234 733 178KB/s 41% [===============> ] 278 533 181KB/s 47% [=================> ] 323 805 185KB/s 53% [===================> ] 360 305 183KB/s 59% [======================> ] 404 105 184KB/s 65% [========================> ] 443 525 184KB/s 70% [==========================> ] 478 553 182KB/s 77% [=============================> ] 525 285 179KB/s 84% [================================> ] 571 993 181KB/s eta 1s 90% [==================================> ] 609 965 181KB/s eta 1s 97% [====================================> ] 655 213 182KB/s eta 1s 100%[======================================>] 674 998 188KB/s in 3,5s 2014-03-06 13:24:32 (188 KB/s) - ‘okic5600.tar.gz’ saved [674998/674998] OK5600L1.icm OK5600L2.icm OK5600L3.icm (c) Copyright Okidata 2006 >>> Source unpacked in /mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work >>> Preparing source in /mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs ... >>> Source prepared. >>> Configuring source in /mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs ... >>> Source configured. >>> Compiling source in /mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs ... make -j1 # # Dependencies... # # ... OK! # cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2zjs.o foo2zjs.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o jbig.o jbig.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o jbig_ar.o jbig_ar.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2zjs foo2zjs.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o zjsdecode.o zjsdecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall zjsdecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o zjsdecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed arm2hpdl.c -o arm2hpdl cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2hp.o foo2hp.c # cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2hp foo2hp.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o /usr/local/lib/libdmalloc.a cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2hp foo2hp.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2xqx.o foo2xqx.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2xqx foo2xqx.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o xqxdecode.o xqxdecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall xqxdecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o xqxdecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2lava.o foo2lava.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2lava foo2lava.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o lavadecode.o lavadecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall lavadecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o lavadecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2qpdl.o foo2qpdl.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2qpdl foo2qpdl.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o qpdldecode.o qpdldecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall qpdldecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o qpdldecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o opldecode.o opldecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -g opldecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o opldecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2oak.o foo2oak.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2oak foo2oak.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o oakdecode.o oakdecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -g oakdecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o oakdecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2slx.o foo2slx.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2slx foo2slx.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o slxdecode.o slxdecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall slxdecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o slxdecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2hiperc.o foo2hiperc.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2hiperc foo2hiperc.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o hipercdecode.o hipercdecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall hipercdecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o hipercdecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o foo2hbpl2.o foo2hbpl2.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -o foo2hbpl2 foo2hbpl2.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o hbpldecode.o hbpldecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall hbpldecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o hbpldecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -c -o gipddecode.o gipddecode.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall gipddecode.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o -o gipddecode cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include -c command2foo2lava-pjl.c cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -L/usr/local/lib command2foo2lava-pjl.o -lcups -o command2foo2lava-pjl cc -march=core2 -msse4.1 -mcx16 -mfxsr -msahf -mtune=core2 -O2 -pipe -O2 -Wall -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed usb_printerid.c -o usb_printerid [ ! -f foo2zjs-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2zjs-wrapper sed < foo2zjs-wrapper.in > foo2zjs-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2zjs-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2zjs-wrapper [ ! -f foo2oak-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2oak-wrapper sed < foo2oak-wrapper.in > foo2oak-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2oak-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2oak-wrapper [ ! -f foo2hp2600-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2hp2600-wrapper sed < foo2hp2600-wrapper.in > foo2hp2600-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2hp2600-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2hp2600-wrapper [ ! -f foo2xqx-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2xqx-wrapper sed < foo2xqx-wrapper.in > foo2xqx-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2xqx-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2xqx-wrapper [ ! -f foo2lava-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2lava-wrapper sed < foo2lava-wrapper.in > foo2lava-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2lava-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2lava-wrapper [ ! -f foo2qpdl-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2qpdl-wrapper sed < foo2qpdl-wrapper.in > foo2qpdl-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2qpdl-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2qpdl-wrapper [ ! -f foo2slx-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2slx-wrapper sed < foo2slx-wrapper.in > foo2slx-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2slx-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2slx-wrapper [ ! -f foo2hiperc-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2hiperc-wrapper sed < foo2hiperc-wrapper.in > foo2hiperc-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2hiperc-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2hiperc-wrapper [ ! -f foo2hbpl2-wrapper ] || chmod +w foo2hbpl2-wrapper sed < foo2hbpl2-wrapper.in > foo2hbpl2-wrapper \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f foo2hbpl2-wrapper && exit 1) chmod 555 foo2hbpl2-wrapper cat foo2zjs-pstops.sh >foo2zjs-pstops chmod a+x foo2zjs-pstops cat printer-profile.sh >printer-profile chmod a+x printer-profile [ ! -f getweb ] || chmod +w getweb sed < getweb.in > getweb \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=/usr@' || (rm -f getweb && exit 1) chmod 555 getweb cd icc2ps; make all make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' cc -O3 icc2ps.c xgetopt.c cmscam97.c cmscnvrt.c cmserr.c cmsgamma.c cmsgmt.c cmsintrp.c cmsio1.c cmslut.c cmsmatsh.c cmsmtrx.c cmsnamed.c cmspack.c cmspcs.c cmsps2.c cmssamp.c cmswtpnt.c cmsxform.c cmsio0.c cmsvirt.c -lm -o foo2zjs-icc2ps rm -f foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 MODver=; \ ../includer-man -v DEF1= foo2zjs-icc2ps.1in | sed > foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@@" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' rm -f foo2zjs-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2zjs-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2zjs-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2zjs-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2zjs-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2zjs.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2zjs.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2zjs.1in | sed > foo2zjs.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2zjs.1 rm -f zjsdecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime zjsdecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= zjsdecode.1in | sed > zjsdecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w zjsdecode.1 rm -f foo2oak-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2oak-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2oak-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2oak-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2oak-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2oak.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2oak.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2oak.1in | sed > foo2oak.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2oak.1 rm -f oakdecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime oakdecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= oakdecode.1in | sed > oakdecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w oakdecode.1 rm -f foo2hp2600-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2hp2600-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2hp2600-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2hp2600-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2hp2600-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2hp.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2hp.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2hp.1in | sed > foo2hp.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2hp.1 rm -f foo2xqx-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2xqx-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2xqx-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2xqx-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2xqx-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2xqx.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2xqx.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2xqx.1in | sed > foo2xqx.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2xqx.1 rm -f xqxdecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime xqxdecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= xqxdecode.1in | sed > xqxdecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w xqxdecode.1 rm -f foo2lava-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2lava-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2lava-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2lava-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2lava-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2lava.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2lava.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2lava.1in | sed > foo2lava.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2lava.1 rm -f lavadecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime lavadecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= lavadecode.1in | sed > lavadecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w lavadecode.1 rm -f opldecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime opldecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= opldecode.1in | sed > opldecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w opldecode.1 rm -f foo2qpdl-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2qpdl-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2qpdl-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2qpdl-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2qpdl-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2qpdl.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2qpdl.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2qpdl.1in | sed > foo2qpdl.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2qpdl.1 rm -f qpdldecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime qpdldecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= qpdldecode.1in | sed > qpdldecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w qpdldecode.1 rm -f foo2slx-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2slx-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2slx-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2slx-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2slx-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2slx.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2slx.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2slx.1in | sed > foo2slx.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2slx.1 rm -f slxdecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime slxdecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= slxdecode.1in | sed > slxdecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w slxdecode.1 rm -f foo2hiperc-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2hiperc-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2hiperc-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2hiperc-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2hiperc-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2hiperc.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2hiperc.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2hiperc.1in | sed > foo2hiperc.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2hiperc.1 rm -f hipercdecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime hipercdecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= hipercdecode.1in | sed > hipercdecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w hipercdecode.1 rm -f foo2hbpl2-wrapper.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2hbpl2-wrapper.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2hbpl2-wrapper.1in | sed > foo2hbpl2-wrapper.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2hbpl2-wrapper.1 rm -f foo2hbpl2.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2hbpl2.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2hbpl2.1in | sed > foo2hbpl2.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2hbpl2.1 rm -f hbpldecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime hbpldecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= hbpldecode.1in | sed > hbpldecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w hbpldecode.1 rm -f gipddecode.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime gipddecode.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= gipddecode.1in | sed > gipddecode.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w gipddecode.1 rm -f foo2zjs-pstops.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime foo2zjs-pstops.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= foo2zjs-pstops.1in | sed > foo2zjs-pstops.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w foo2zjs-pstops.1 rm -f arm2hpdl.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime arm2hpdl.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= arm2hpdl.1in | sed > arm2hpdl.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w arm2hpdl.1 rm -f usb_printerid.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime usb_printerid.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= usb_printerid.1in | sed > usb_printerid.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w usb_printerid.1 rm -f printer-profile.1 modtime() { date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y"; }; \ MODpage=`modtime printer-profile.1in`; \ MODver=0.0; \ ./includer-man -v DEF1= printer-profile.1in | sed > printer-profile.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@http://foo2hp.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@http://foo2lava.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@http://foo2slx.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@http://foo2hiperc.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLHBPL}@http://foo2hbpl.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s/\${MODpage}/$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w printer-profile.1 cd icc2ps; make man make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'man'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' cd osx-hotplug; make man make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/osx-hotplug' rm -f osx-hplj-hotplug.1 MODver=; \ ../includer-man -v DEF1= osx-hplj-hotplug.1in | sed > osx-hplj-hotplug.1 \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLHP}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLXQX}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLLAVA}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLQPDL}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLSLX}@@" \ -e "s@\${URLHC}@@" \ -e "s/\${MODver}/$MODver/" chmod -w osx-hplj-hotplug.1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/osx-hotplug' rm -f INSTALL echo "TOPICS" > INSTALL.tmp echo "------" >> INSTALL.tmp grep ^[A-Z][A-Z] INSTALL.in | sed "s/^/ * /" >> INSTALL.tmp echo >> INSTALL.tmp cat INSTALL.tmp INSTALL.in | sed > INSTALL \ -e "s@\${URLOAK}@http://foo2oak.rkkda.com@" \ -e "s@\${URLZJS}@http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com@" rm -f INSTALL.tmp chmod -w INSTALL groff -t -man \ `ls foo2zjs-wrapper.1 foo2zjs.1 zjsdecode.1 foo2oak-wrapper.1 foo2oak.1 oakdecode.1 foo2hp2600-wrapper.1 foo2hp.1 foo2xqx-wrapper.1 foo2xqx.1 xqxdecode.1 foo2lava-wrapper.1 foo2lava.1 lavadecode.1 opldecode.1 foo2qpdl-wrapper.1 foo2qpdl.1 qpdldecode.1 foo2slx-wrapper.1 foo2slx.1 slxdecode.1 foo2hiperc-wrapper.1 foo2hiperc.1 hipercdecode.1 foo2hbpl2-wrapper.1 foo2hbpl2.1 hbpldecode.1 gipddecode.1 foo2zjs-pstops.1 arm2hpdl.1 usb_printerid.1 printer-profile.1 \ icc2ps/foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 \ osx-hotplug/osx-hplj-hotplug.1 \ | sort` \ | ps2pdf - manual.pdf It is possible that certain products which can be built using this software module might form inventions protected by patent rights in some countries (e.g., by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT&T in the USA). Provision of this software by the author does NOT include any licences for any patents. In those countries where a patent licence is required for certain applications of this software module, you will have to obtain such a licence yourself. >>> Source compiled. >>> Test phase [not enabled]: net-print/foo2zjs-99999999 >>> Install foo2zjs-99999999 into /mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image/ category net-print make -j3 DESTDIR=/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image/ -j1 install install-hotplug # # Dependencies... # # ... OK! # cd icc2ps; make all make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' cd icc2ps; make man make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'man'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/icc2ps' cd osx-hotplug; make man make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/osx-hotplug' make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'man'. make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs/osx-hotplug' It is possible that certain products which can be built using this software module might form inventions protected by patent rights in some countries (e.g., by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT&T in the USA). Provision of this software by the author does NOT include any licences for any patents. In those countries where a patent licence is required for certain applications of this software module, you will have to obtain such a licence yourself. # # Installation Dependencies... # *** *** Error: foomatic-rip is not installed! *** *** Install foomatic package(s) for your OS *** Makefile:620: recipe for target 'install-test' failed make: *** [install-test] Error 1 * ERROR: net-print/foo2zjs-99999999::gentoo failed (install phase): * emake failed * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=net-print/foo2zjs-99999999::gentoo'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=net-print/foo2zjs-99999999::gentoo'`. * The complete build log is located at '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/temp/environment'. * Working directory: '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs' * S: '/mnt/slag/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/work/foo2zjs'